Wraparound Services
SYFS staff will provide support to families identified and referred by the school district
- Services include crisis management, linkages to other supportive services, assistance with problem solving and communication with other professional and natural supports.
- Length of time with a family will be dependent on the unique needs of each case.
- SYFS staff will maintain regular contact with school personnel and attend school meetings, as needed.
- Services may be provided virtually or in person in the school, home, or community based location that is most comfortable to the client/family and SYFS.
School Based Counseling
- SYFS staff will provide individual therapy for students who are in need of counseling. This counseling would not be billed to the student’s insurance.
- Services will be provided during school hours virtually or in person at school.
- Schools may opt to refer students if there are no appropriate outside resources available, if students are on waitlists for outside counseling, if a student cannot travel to or access a treatment provider, or if there are no treatment resources that match the insurance of the student.
- All referrals for school-based counseling should be approved by the Director of School-Based Services prior to submitting the referral or contacting families.
- School-Based counseling will cease at the end of the school year. This should be considered when making a referral.
Psychoeducation Workshops
All workshops are designed to fit into one class period unless otherwise noted. They are intended for larger audiences. Workshops options include:
- Vaping 101 for elementary and middle school students
- Mental Health 101 for elementary, middle, and high school students
- 90 minute One Love (intimate partner violence education program for 11th and 12th grade students)
- Requests for workshops on other topics may be considered